VLANs on LXD Dashboard

This tutorial shows how to use LXD Dashboard to configure and use a LXD container to communicate on more than one VLAN. This assumes that you have created LXD Profiles for your other VLANs on your network. I have several videos that talk about how to create VLAN Profiles in LXD.

Here’s an example of adding a VLAN profile in LXD using the CLI assuming that your parent device bridge0 exists (bridge0 creation discussed in my LXD Containers 101 tutorial):

lxc profile create vlan300
lxc profile device add vlan300 eth0 nic nictype=macvlan parent=bridge0 vlan=300

The same VLAN created in LXD Dashboard:

Then we edit the VLAN profile as follows:

You will want to create a Profile to “bridge” to your main LAN and that requires that you have created a network bridge for your LXD host. I create “bridgeprofile” in several other videos. Assuming you have a Netplan Bridge on your LXD host as described in my other videos, your LXD “bridgeprofile” profile looks like this:

In the video I create a container called Test with LXD Dashboard which I also connect to the MAIN LAN with my “bridgeprofile”. I then connect to the “Exec” interface and I update the container and install docker:

apt update && apt upgrade -y
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
apt install docker-compose 

I added a user account and put it in both the sudo and the docker groups:

adduser scott
usermod -aG sudo scott
usermod -aG docker scott

For convenience, I installed net-tools:

apt install net-tools

I exited the “Exec” screen, moved over to the "Console screen and logged into my new user account.

Next I create a folder to install the docker application Watch Your LAN (wyl) inside our LXD container.

mkdir wyl
cd wyl

Next edit a docker-compose file:

nano docker-compose.yml

Paste the following contents into the file and modify your timezone accordingly:

version: "3"
    image: aceberg/watchyourlan
    network_mode: "host"        
    restart: unless-stopped
    - ~/.dockerdata/wyl:/data
      TZ: America/Chicago              # required: needs your TZ for correct time
      IFACE: "virbr-bw wlxf4ec3892dd51" # required: 1 or more interface
      DBPATH: "/data/db.sqlite"         # optional, default: /data/db.sqlite
      GUIIP: ""                  # optional, default: localhost
      GUIPORT: "80"                   # optional, default: 8840
      TIMEOUT: "120"                    # optional, time in seconds, default: 60
      SHOUTRRR_URL: ""                  # optional, set url to notify
      THEME: "darkly"                   # optional
      IGNOREIP: "no"                    # optional

Save the file with a CTRL O and Enter and then a CTRL X to exit the editor.

Launch Watch Your LAN:

docker compose up -d

Go to your web browser at the address of the LXD container we created to enter the “wyl” interface.

NOTE: If your LXD container is NOT bridged to your Main LAN, you will not see the devices on your LAN.

Later in the video, I add device eth1 to point to one of my vlans and later device eth2 to point to another vlan. THIS ASSUMES THE VLAN EXISTS ON YOUR NETWORK. First I go to Devices:

Then I click add network and I add an eth1 device and point it to vlan 30.

The new macvlan device should look like this:

To allow the new device eth1 to get an address on the vlan, we must go edit the netplan file in the LXD container.

Edit the Netplan YML file as follows:

Apply the Netplan file:

netplan apply

If everything worked, you should see the addresses for eth0 and eth1 in the Interfaces screen of LXD-Dashboard:

In the Watch Your LAN application config screen, make sure and not skip the step to add the new eth1 device like I did in the video.

Later in the video, I followed the previous steps and also added another device named eth2 that pointed to vlan 80:

Don’t forget to edit and update the netplan file on the LXD container to include eth2 also:

Finally, apply the updated netplan file:

netplan apply

So, now I have three Ethernet interfaces on my LXD container.

Don’t forget to add eth2 to the Watch Your LAN config screen.

After a couple minutes, Watch Your LAN will display addresses from all the configured VLANs we added to the container:

The completed configuration with all three devices shows in LXD Dashboard: